Task 3

In this document, I will be planning how to maintain a workflow, outlining the following specialism video editing in the creative media sector. In order to showcase my work to other companies in the creative media sector I need to take notice of what events are around me. For example, there are films festivals that go on in London by taking part of these type of events not only will it promote my editing and filming skills. This could also reach out to employers looking for freelance editors to make their films or videos better. Also, I will have to market myself so creating a YouTube account or a website that has all my work on so that if people are interested in the kind of work I produce this will generate more opportunities to build clients or jobs that will benefit me in the future. There is this website that is suited for the creative media industry it doesn't necessarily mean working in London. There are also opportunities to travel out of London to help edit and film the film or video that the person posts for other freelancers. However, there can be a disadvantage as most of the time when freelancing you don't always get paid or on time. There can be risks when taking a free-lanced job as you are being consistently working and your pay can be insufficient to live on. There might be better job opportunities overseas for freelancing as the creative media sector can be hugely populated in The US or in Asia. Film studies in some schools are mostly theory so knowledge based depending on the resources and facility open to students to make videos, whereas other filming schools are beneficial in doing the more active and practice, so that you both learning whilst doing the work. I'm planning to look at what type of film schools or schools that specialise in the creative media industry have to offer to me. As, my weaknesses can be improved further into the career I want to achieve in the media sector.

Whilst studying I also need to make a website or social media account that promotes the work I make so during my break I can be working to help me get better in the skills I might be lacking in. This will better my understanding and being able to work under deadlines and have enough time to produce a standard amount of work to allow my work to reach more people.

From a website I read from it says "45% work in the workforce whereas 58% work as freelancers and 68% are permanent worker. This tells me that if I choose to work for TV broadcasts like the BBC or ITV there's a chance I could become a permanent worker there or be recommended to other TV networks. Being a video editor can both work for different job purposes e.g. music video, advertisements, live videos or TV dramas. Working as a freelance video editor can generate different types of jobs instead of the single job you would have at a TV network.

Being familiar with job-hunting will help to find better opportunities as this actively makes you want to experience more of what goes on through the creative media industry. This will also benefit to have aspirations to what you would like to achieve in the future moving on from studying. 

In conclusion, I think that the main priority to follow this career path is to make a portfolio demonstrating all the skills and knowledge representing what you are able to create. As, this is used as an online CV updating with new content can bring more awareness to you type of style in videos and whether you can accept challenges to better your skills and knowledge that is achievable.
