
Showing posts from May, 2017

Task 3 

 In this document, I will be planning how to maintain a workflow, outlining the following specialism video editing in the creative media sector. In order to showcase my work to other companies in the creative media sector I need to take notice of what events are around me. For example, there are films festivals that go on in London by taking part of these type of events not only will it promote my editing and filming skills. This could also reach out to employers looking for freelance editors to make their films or videos better. Also, I will have to market myself so creating a YouTube account or a website that has all my work on so that if people are interested in the kind of work I produce this will generate more opportunities to build clients or jobs that will benefit me in the future. There is this website that is suited for the creative media industry it doesn't necessarily mean working in London. There are als

Task 2

Task 1